Department of Sociology


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Sociology Associate in Arts Degree

An associate’s degree in Sociology is intended to lead to transfer to colleges and universities which offer bachelor’s degrees in sociology. The sociology major is designed to provide preparation leading to careers in sociology, social work, law, criminal justice, marketing research and counseling.

Social Justice Studies Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Social Justice Studies Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer prepares students to transfer to CSU campuses that offer bachelor’s degrees in Gender Studies; Sociology – Concentration Race, Class and Gender; Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; and Women’s Studies.

Social Work and Human Services Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Social Work Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer, also called the Social Work AA-T Degree, also called the Social Work and Human Services AA-T Degree, prepares students to transfer to CSU campuses that offer bachelor’s degrees in Collaborative Health and Human Services, Criminal Justice, Human Services, Social Work, and Sociology.

Research Fundamentals Skills Certificate

The Research Fundamentals Skills Certificate emphasizes the skills needed to interpret research data and conduct basic research in accordance with the procedures and methods of social/behavioral science. The certificate is designed for students interested in learning research skills and for those who need assistance in improving these skills for academic and/or career advancement. This certificate includes a total of 12 units, five of which are in required courses, and seven units in restricted elective courses.

Sociology Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Associate in Arts Degree in Sociology for Transfer prepares students to transfer to CSU campuses that offer bachelor’s degrees in sociology. This degree requires students to complete 60 CSU transferable units including completion of CSU GE or IGETC and 19 units in the major with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. Title 5 requires that students earn a grade of “C” or better in all major coursework. This degree is an excellent general reparation for careers in social work, personnel and human resources, the criminal justice system, education, marketing research, law firms, political cam­paigns and journalism.


The Law, Public Policy, and Society Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Law, Public Policy, and Society Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer, also called the Law, Public Policy, and Society AA-T or ADT, prepares students to transfer to CSU campuses that offer bachelor’s degrees in Law, Public Policy, and Society. Ed Code Section 66746-66749 states students earning the Law, Public Policy, and Society AA-T degree will be granted priority for admission as a Law, Public Policy, and Society major to a local CSU, as determined by the CSU campus to which the student applies.

Volunteer Services Skills Certificate

The Volunteer Services Skills Certificate offers students core courses in behavioral science, combined with at least one behavioral science course that offers service learning. The academic courses provide a fundamental understanding of human behavior. A course that includes service learning requires volunteering in the community combined with written reflection on the volunteer experience. This certificate emphasizes working directly with people in need within the service-learning tradition, and it integrates academics with practice. This certificate can enrich the service of experienced volunteers, guide those interested in volunteering for the first time and transfer students interested in teaching and social service agency work, and provide early experience in public service. This certificate requires a total of 12 units chosen from the categories below as indicated.